Justin Bieber’s ‘Mystery Date’ Speaks Out
The Florida teenager, named Haleigh, who found herself sitting courtside next to Justin Bieber at the Miami Heat playoff game on Monday night, told Seventeen magazine there is nothing going on between the two of them.
Justin Bieber’s Mystery Date Spills To SeventeenHaleigh says she had no idea she was going to be sitting next to the "Beauty and a Beat" singer beforehand.
"The only words that he said to me the whole game were to scoot over when he sat down," she told Seventeen.
Justin Bieber’s Hottest Moments
True confession: Even we wondered if Bieber and his pretty courtside companion were at the game together.
Apparently, some fans sent death threats to Haleigh, which prompted
her to take down any social media accounts she had up … ut not before
she instagrammed a photo of the Biebs.Selena Gomez Dishes On Breakups And Girl Fights
Haleigh uploaded a photo that showed Justin apparently peeking over her shoulder while she's on her phone, with the caption, "Creeping on my texts, Biebs?"
This is what initially sent some Beliebers into a tizzy.
The 19-year-old singer has, of course, been on and off with Selena Gomez for a few months now after they split for good in January. No word yet what their relationship status currently is.
The 19-year-old singer has of
course been on and off with Selena Gomez for a few months now after they
split for good in January. No word yet what their relationship status
currently is.
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